Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Obese people can be healthy: study (AFP)

A woman stands outside a sandwich shop. Some obese people are in good health and are not predisposed to heart ailments, according to a surprise study published in the Archives of Internal Medicine.(AFP/File/Paul Ellis)AFP - Some obese people bulk l-carnitine base in good health and are not predisposed to heart ailments, according to a surprise study published in the Archives of Internal Medicine.

The cost of health insurance is enough to make you sick - literally. In fact, the cost of health coverage is so high now that fully 16% of all households in this country are without any form of health coverage at all, and more than 50% of all households which do have insurance report that they are just barely able to pay their premium each month. Clearly it's time for a change. And there is a change on the horizon. There's a way right now - today - for every household in America to cut the cost of their health coverage by close to 30% -- and health insurance agents across the country are scared to death that you'll learn the simple secret.

But before we get to the Big Secret that could cut the cost of your monthly premium by 30%, let's talk about a few changes you can make in your life that can add even MORE to your savings - changes that can lower the cost of health coverage for everyone regardless of anything else they might do.

Did you know that most health plans have a standard 25% co-payment any time you see your doctor? That's fine for people who see their doctor on a regular basis, but if you seldom see your doctor then consider increasing your co-pay to 50%. Making that one small change can save you several hundred dollars each and every year.

Did you know that you can also save money if you pay your monthly premium automatically every month directly from your checking buy deanol bitartrate savings account? If your company doesn't have to send you a costly bill in the mail every month they are only too happy to pass most of their savings along to you in the form of a smaller monthly premium.

Increasing your deductible will lower your premium instantly. Just bulk l-carnitine base sure that you don't increase your deductible past the point at which you can afford to pay it every year.

If you smoke or use chew you have to stop. If you're serious about lowering the cost of your health coverage then you're going to have to be just as serious when it comes to quitting smoking and using chew.

Stop eating at fast food restaurants. Or at least cut the number of times you eat burgers and fries down by at least two thirds. This is serious. The damage you are doing to your health and the increased cost of your health care is both killing you and driving up the cost of your monthly health premium far beyond belief. Stop eating fast food burgers and fries. Just stop.

O.K. Here's the biggest way for you to save a cool 30% on the cost of your health insurance. It's such a simple thing you won't believe it at first, but I assure you it really works.

Buy your policy online.

Yes. That's the secret. Buy your health policy from an online broker. Why? Online brokers have no overhead. This means they can cut costs to wholesale levels and still make a profit. Online brokers also have a ton of competition, and you know what competition means - even lower prices! The only way for online brokers to stay in business with all the competition they face is to cut their prices to the bone - which means YOU WIN!

There's no telling how long this scenario will last, so I encourage you to get online right now - today - get a quote and find out for yourself just how much you can save by simply purchasing your health insurance online. The result may be just what the doctor prescribed.

My Recommended Sites:

My #1 Top Recommendation For the Cheapest Health Insurance Anywhere Online

Low Cost Health Insurance Online