Friday, April 25, 2008

Clinical Trials Update: April 25, 2008 (HealthDay)

HealthDay - (HealthDay News) -- Here are griffonia seed 5-htp htp latest clinical trials, courtesyof Thomson CenterWatch:

Approximately 7 years ago I started using natural therapies in my practice as I became a more integrated doctor. Practicing in Texas I was seeing many allergic pets who really didnt get better using conventional drug therapy. By incorporating natural therapies into my treatment regimen I immediately started seeing buy wholesale BCAA amino acids results!

In addition to the great results I regularly see with natural therapies in my patients, one of the nice things that attracted me to buy wholesale glucosamine hcl type of pet care is the relative lack of side effects. Its rare to see any side effects using supplements in the care of my patients. Yet its been reported in buy wholesale D-Glucosamine HCL medicine that side effects of drugs is one of the leading causes of illness and death in people (Im sure the unreported statistics are similar in veterinary medicine!)

While many pet owners think "natural" equals "safe," this is not always true. There are some supplements (such as ephedra) that can be extremely toxic and even fatal if not used properly. This article will explore some of the more commonly used supplements, as well as any side effects that may occur. As always, the Green Tea Pe 98 (40 Egcg) 250g way to incorporate natural therapies into your pets treatment regimen is to do buy wholesale CoQ10 enzyme under proper veterinary supervision, as this will also decrease the chance of any side effects.

"Natural" does not automatically mean "safe"

Most supplements are safer than prescription drugs for long term control of medical problems

Examples: NSAIDS vs. joint supplements, choline vs. Anipryl or anticonvulsants, Fatty acids and antioxidants vs. corticosteroids, olive leaf Grape Seed P vs. antibiotics.

Sometimes conventional purchase bulk ginkgo biloba nutritional supplements are safer than supplements

Example:coventional deworming medicines vs. wormwood/ black walnut/ pennyroyal oil.

Ex.decongestants/bronchodilators vs. ephedra.

Sometimes species differences make natural therapies potentially buy wholesale ascorbic acid online tree oil/volatile oils/white willow bark with cats and small dogs.

Natural therapies may show interactions with conventional medications that could be toxic.

Examples:White willow bark with NSAIDS, ephedra with cardiac drugs, Green Tea Pe 98 (40 Egcg) 250g and asthma medications drugs, ginkgo biloba with high dose fish oil.

In following articles, Ill review some of the most commonly used supplements.

Shawn Messonnier, DVM

Author, 8 Weeks to a Healthy Dog, The Allergy Solution for Dogs, and the award-winning The Natural Health Bible for Dogs & Cats. Dr. Shawn is the medical consultant for Pet Togethers, a pet supplement company.


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