Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Lasik worries? Some may see better with alternatives (AP)

In this Nov. 1, 2005 file photo, Dr. Colman Kraff docks the femtosecond laser, flattening the cornea, of patient Steve Parker as the initial step in creating the Lasik flap during Parker's eye surgery at Kraff's offices in Chicago. A decade after Lasik eye surgery hit the market, patients left with fuzzy instead of clear vision are airing their grievances before federal health officials. (AP Photo/Charles Rex Arbogast)AP - Frightened by headlines about Lasik side effects? Lasik gets all the advertising, but there are half a buy wholesale choline bitartrate alternate eye buy wholesale creatine powder ester hcl - from a simpler laser approach griffonia seed 5-htp htp implantable lenses - that might solve buy bulk glycocyamine nutrition squint.

It wasn't all that long ago that health insurance was easily affordable by almost anyone and employers routinely made group health care a part of every worker's benefits package - with the employer often paying the full cost of the premium each month. buy wholesale nutritional powder grape seed pe days are gone, probably never to return, but there is a way for you to get natural coffee extract pure caffeine health insurance today at a discount of about 30%. buy wholesale d-glucosaminte sulfate potassium a little secret that most insurance agents hope you'll never learn.

But before we get to the Big Secret, let's talk about some smaller ways for you to save regardless of where or how you buy your coverage. Adding the following tips together can take a big bite out of your monthly health premium all by themselves.

Pay your premium automatically directly from your checking or savings account. It costs your company a lot of money to print a bill and mail it to you every month. Automatic direct pay saves your company the cost of billing you and they are delighted to pass most of that savings along to you.

Getting even a little exercise and cutting back on fast foods that are high in calories and cholesterol will help you feel better, live longer, and pay less for your medical coverage.

The same is true of not smoking or using chew or any other form of tobacco product. Yes, it's difficult to give up smoking or using chew - but if you are serious about saving money on your health care, then you've got to buy wholesale vigamin b 5 calcium pantathenate serious about not smoking as well.

Most people take a standard 25% co-payment when they sign up for a health plan. But if you buy wholesale betaine-anhydrous see your doctor on a regular basis you can save a lot of cash every month simply by increasing your co-pay to 50%.

You can also save a lot if you increase your deductible. You need to be honest with yourself, however, and not increase your deductible past the point at which you can actually afford to pay it every year.

So what is the secret when it comes to saving around 30% on your health insurance right off the top? You'll be surprised at how easy it really is. Simply buy your policy online.

It's true. Online brokers have almost no overhead, so they can afford to sell you a policy at wholesale prices. But on top of that there is a LOT of australia ship wholesale nutrition among online brokers and you know what happens when there's a lot of competition - prices are slashed even further.

The bottom line is - YOU WIN! Simply by buying your policy online you can save around 30% over what you would normally pay. And on top of that, when you buy your policy online YOU are in complete control of what you buy and how much you pay. There's no agent breathing down your neck, talking you into things that you can't afford.

Now that you know the secret for saving at least 30% (and even more if you add in the rest of the tips you've gotten in this article) what are you waiting for? Get online right now and see for yourself just how much you can save.

My Recommended Sites:

My #1 Top Pick For Where to Find The Most Affordable Health Insurance Online

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