Monday, May 5, 2008

Chewing the fat: New targets emerge for tackling obesity (AFP)

An overweight couple walks on Istiklal avenue in Istanbul. New investigations into obesity may identify people with an inherited risk of weight gain, explain why crash diets often fail and address a danger period in childhood that leads to obesity in adult life.(AFP/Mustafa Ozer)AFP - New investigations into obesity may identify people with an inherited risk of weight gain, explain why crash diets often fail and address a danger period in childhood that leads to obesity in adult life.

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The Five Areas Of Life

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Change is good

You can be happy in the knowledge that as you take this challenge, you will also be sensitive to those around you. You will contemplate and evaluate each step of your passage as you steer into uncharted waters and explore untamed jungle. You will experience a deepening excitement when others don't, sadness when others are cheery, and then, at times, share an inner joy and peace with loved ones like you never thought possible. Be ready to experience the sunrises, the frothing ocean, and blue skies with a new perspective as one small change at a time, you emerge from your cocoon.

It's time to decide

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Never, never again

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Five Points of Living

Control is yours as you develop your five points of life.

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2. Family, the most important earthly thing to you is your family. You are focused on their welfare, love and considerations. Love of family is your ground that keep the static of the world at bay.

3. Financial, as we progress through this series of articles, you will be given concepts and principles of finance that will propel you into financial freedom. Finance can be a burden that chokes the very reason for living. You on the other hand, will be free from all financial burden because you will have the tools to do so.

4. Social, Man was not meant to live life alone. You will be a magnet to other will meaning people. People will be drawn to you because they feel your self confidence and compassion.

5. Health, nothing else matters if your health has failed. Experience life through your exuberance for it. You feel the breeze blowing over you and the heat of the sun as you walk on the beach. Life is good as you draw in the salt air and walk on the wet sand. You will be give some guidelines for good health and your heightened sense of self demands it of you.

It's time to break it off, until next time:

Happy Trails

Donald Yates, Former Director of Business and Leadership Development for Imperial Research, is now retired but continues to assist young people in engaging life through self discovery, Life course planning, intuitiveness and fulfillment. Learn how you can build a powerful organization of your own. To learn more, visit


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