Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Genentech warns of anemia in Avastin combo trial (Reuters)

Reuters - Genentech Inc has warned doctors about a type of anemia seen in patients treated with the company's blockbuster cancer drug Avastin in combination with Pfizer Inc's Sutent in a clinical trial, U.S. regulators said in a notice issued on Monday.

Nutratose, Ambratose, Glycobalance and Limuplex are the various herbal medicines meant to be used by persons who wish to build up the immune system of the body by providing phyto nutrients to the body. All these medicines that come under the category of buy bulk resveratrol 98 nutritional powder medicines do not contain any toxic chemicals that can produce adverse effect on the persons consuming them.

All these medicines are designed to provide a boost in the overall improvement to the immune system in the body of the person who consumes it. All of them offer a powerful immune system to all those who are ready to consume their formula on a regular basis.

As none of these medicines have any toxic ingredients in them, we do not have to worry about the side effects of using these medicines. What all we have to enquire about is the effectiveness of various ingredients used in making these medicines. All these medicines use different herbal extracts to make their nutritional supplements. If you want to know the exact effect of using these medicines, you should be in a position to understand the use and medicinal value of the ingredients that are used to make these medicines.

Nutratose, an all natural tropical essential nutritional supplement from Micro Nutra Health is best known for the ingredients that the manufacturer added to this preparation. The ingredients used to make Nutratose include Mannose, Galactose, Fucose, Glucose, Xylose, N-acetylneuramic acid, N-acetygalactosamine and N-acetylglucosamine. All these ingredients used to make Nutrtose are found to be very effective in helping the body to build up a strong immune system.

Ambrotose capsules, on the other hand make use of the ingredients such as Arabinogalacten, Manapol, Aloe Vera gel extract, Gum Ghatti and Gum Tragacanth to develop a nutritional supplement meant to improve the immune system of the body. It does not seem to utilise various important herb extracts that are found in the medicinal preparation of Micro Nutra Health.

Though not all, some of the ingredients that are used in preparing Nutrtose can be seen in Glyco-balance also. But the scientific use of various ingredient used in Glyco-balance is yet to be proved. So we are not in a position to make a scientific evaluation of all the ingredients used in this medical preparation.

Limuplex is the other name that we should mention when we discuss about various natural medicines meant for building a healthy immune system. It claims to include over 500 nutrients in making this medicinal preparation. It includes Fucoidan and Laminaria Japonica. We are not aware about the impact of all these 500 nutrients used in this preparation.

For more information on Nutratose go to Nutratose Review or Nutratose


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