Friday, July 18, 2008

Hardwired for fat: scientists identify obesity gene (AFP)

An obese man walks through Sydney. British and French scientists have identified several variants of a single gene that boost the risk of obesity, according to a study published Sunday in the British journal Nature.(AFP/File/Greg Wood)AFP - British and French scientists have identified several variants of a single gene that boost the risk of obesity, according to a study published Sunday in the British journal Nature.

There is no point in taking supplements if they are not going to be absorbed into your blood stream. You are simply wasting your money. This is the view of most medical practitioners and they have good reason to hold this view. It is not necessarily based on their ignorance of the importance of nutrients over pharmaceutical treatments, even if they make their living from the treatment of disease rather than the prevention of illness. Medical practitioners test urine and that is where vitamins and minerals are found in abundance when not absorbed by the body. They are also aware of the amount of undissolved vitamin and mineral capsule casings that are found in sewers.

The problem then is the absorption of the vitamins and minerals that you might use to supplement your diet. purchase pure arginine pyroglutamate wholesale is no contention that they are probably needed. The question is whether or not you are absorbing them and obtaining the benefit you expect.

You will not absorb the vitamins and minerals you take if they are not balanced in proportion to your bodies requirements. What this means for you is unless the vitamins and minerals have the right ratios to each other in accordance with your body's requirements, they may not be absorbed. In the event they are absorbed into your blood stream and are not made use of, they will be filtered out through your kidneys. This can happen even if your body has a need for them. This is why you need proportionate supplementation if everything is going to be working for you, and not an over-supply of some nutrients and an under-supply of other nutrients.

As for two of the reasons your body will not absorb the nutrients you supplement, the first reason I have already alluded to. Reports tell us that pills and capsules are not easily digested. For instance, 250, 000 pounds of undigested vitamin and mineral pills have been reported as being pulled out of the sewers in Tacoma, Washington, every six weeks, and 159 gallons of undigested pills are showing up in sewer filters in Salt Lake City every month,, In fact, a National Advisory Board investigation has revealed only 8.3% of every 100mg of nutrients consumed in tablet form is absorbed. The Physicians Desk Reference purports absorption to be as low as 10%. What this means is you should take a liquefied form of nutritional intake because it is more effective.

The second reason even proportionately balanced vitamins and minerals are not absorbed into your body is largely due to a lack of an ingredient called piperine that is found in black pepper. Piperine enhances the bioavailability of nutrients and increases the uptake. However, it needs to taken with the nutrients and be available at the same time. Black pepper itself releases piperine too slowly to be effective. So what you need to consume is a product which is proportionately balanced that contains piperine, if you are going to get maximum benefit from your nutrient supplementation.

Two of the reasons for your body not getting maximum intake of the nutritional supplements that you take depends upon whether they are in liquefied form or whether they have piperine as one of their ingredients. The product I personally consume has a biovailabilty of around 100% because it liquefied and contains piperine. That's what you want if you would like to stay healthy and remain young.

Happy Riches believes in having excellent health. Additional information can be found at "Here's to your health" by clicking this link


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